- Written by Václav
- Published in Úryvky kódu
- Read 1093 times
LINUX: get file size by user
(Reading time: 1 minute)
Sometimes it is necessary to list files size by users. For this you can use these basic Linux commands.
Formátovaný zápis:
find /path -type f -printf '%u %k\n' | awk '{
arr[$1] += $2
} END {
for ( i in arr ) {
print i": "arr[i]"K"
Jednořádkový zápis:
find /path -type f -printf '%u %k\n' | awk '{ arr[$1] += $2 } END { for ( i in arr ) { print i": "arr[i]"K" } }';
vaclavd: 70892344K
root: 16K

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